Thursday, September 24, 2009

BHO dropping Monkif is growing & delivering specialized payloads

"Trojans such as Monkif often deliver a specialized payloads comprised of predetermined malicious code and wait to engage in more generic activity"

"Due to their unrestricted access in browsers such as the Internet Explorer event model, malware such as that downloaded and executed by Monkif has been created as BHOs.  In many instances, such code is capable of detecting secure HTTP sessions between a financial institution and the compromised host, and subsequently setting in motion a series of events that capture all information associated with a given users key strokes"

I wouldn't say things like change to non-windows, dont use IE, etc. Its highly critial to have systems fully patched (means applications also), a/v updated, run periodic maintenance such as adware/spyware scans... this should help in reducing your exposure.

Posted via email from Ramki's posterous


  1. Hello there. Nice info on Monkif. Is there an actual patch available for this? Thanks.


  2. Joel,

    Monkif kind of threats can be mitigated only by continuous monitoring and management.
